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  • 👨🏼‍💻 What's Behind Tesla's Surge?

👨🏼‍💻 What's Behind Tesla's Surge?

By AI Guy ⏳ 4 min read

Howdy! This is AI Guy. Serving up your daily dose of AI caffeine – going without us isn’t really an option.

In Today’s Edition:

📈 What’s Behind Tesla's Surge?

🎙 In Other News

🔧 Tools to Automate Your Life


What’s Behind the Tesla Surge?

Today is Episode 453 of “Reasons Why You Don’t Bet Against Elon”,

where we all discover that when you aim for Mars,

your stocks reach the stars. 🚀

after Morgan Stanley argued that Tesla should be viewed as a tech company as much as an electric car maker.

Morgan Stanley set its new price target to $400 for shares of Tesla, 60% higher than the previous price target of $250.

Tesla is having a stellar year

The primary reason behind this bump is Tesla’s ‘Project Dojo’ which is the car company’s AI project to build a supercomputer.

Morgan Stanley believes Dojo could add up to $500 billion to the company’s value long-term.

Tesla just began producing its custom AI chip ‘D1

which has 354 independent processors and 440 MB of internal static random-access memory storage.

This chip allows Tesla to train its self-driving cars 6x faster and cheaper than traditional methods.


Did you catch that?

Tesla created its own AI chips – they didn’t rely on Nvidia.

This is next to unheard of in the industry because nearly every AI innovation relies on Nvidia’s chips.

Morgan Stanley aptly calls Project Dojo a "moonshot",

because it's so ambitious that it could land Tesla on the moon of AI chip development,

rivaling even the mighty Nvidia.

With chips these good, Tesla could also branch out beyond cars, including sectors like robotics, healthcare, and security.


In Other News

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Thanks for reading! Stay AI-some!

AI Guy


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