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AI Just Killed Excel

AI Guy keeping it real.

By AI Guy ⏳ 4 min read

GM. This is AI Guy. The newsletter that sends you 1-2 interesting stories about AI straight to your morning inbox.

In Today’s edition:

📜 AI translates 5,000-year-old rock

🌏 The West vs Asia: Who is more concerned about AI?

🔧 AI tool that kills Excel

🐤 Tweet of the day

Archeologists use AI to translate 5,000 YEAR-old tablets 📜

A team of researchers has used a Neural Machine Learning (NML) model to translate tablets dating back to 2500 BC. The writings on the tablets are written using cuneiform, a script created by using wedge-shaped symbols pressed in wet clay.

(Image credit: BBC)

In the paper published by the journal PNAS Nexus, from the Oxford University Press, researchers say the tablets are an Akkadian script, which was an ancient language spoken in ancient Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq).

This new AI technology will greatly accelerate the speed at which these tablets can be translated in the future. Hundreds of thousands of clay tablets are archived for translation. These tablets describe the political, social, economic, and scientific history of ancient Mesopotamia.

“Translating all the tablets that remain untranslated could expose us to the first days of history”

Gai Gutherez – NMT engineer

The goal of the neural machine translation (NMT) is to be part of a human–machine collaboration – a pipeline that assists scholars to translate ancient texts. It’s like a super Google translate!

The New Indiana Jones?

The West feels less positive about AI than the East 🌏

In a recent study done by the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Index, researchers found a significant gap in understanding:

78% of Chinese citizens agreed that AI has more benefits than drawbacks

76% of Saudis and 71% of Indians.

Only 35% of Americans feel positive about AI.

Similarly: Great Britain 38%, Germany and Australia 37%, and France 31%.

Read the report here.

AI tool that kills Excel 🔧

Introducing Rows – The only AI Excel tool you’ll ever need.

If you’re anything like me and you’re always trying to figure out how to do something with the least work possible – this tool will be perfect for you.

How to use Rows:

Step 1:

Import data from anywhere using 'Actions'

(You can upload files or fetch data from your Facebook ad campaign, Zapier, Twitter, or many other sites)

Step 2:

Ask rows to do anything you want with the data. For example:

1. Do a trend analysis.

2. Ask to create a graph.

3. Ask for insights (Like 'How many purchases per campaign ?')

In simple words, anything !!!

That’s it!! You can embed your work into your notion, workspace, or any site you want. The best part is it’s totally free!

You can use it for free here. http://rows.com

Tweet of the day 🐥

Thanks for reading! Stay AI-some!

You’re nerdy cousin,

AI Guy

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